Monthly Archives: May 2016

Dr. Rebecca Singson gives talk on Robotic Surgery in the Philippines at Quirino Memorial Hospital

Dr. Rebecca Singson talks about Robotic Surgery in the Philippines

Dr Rebecca Singson was invited to be the speaker at the Institutional Conference at the Main Auditorium of the Quirino Memorial Hospital on March 31, 2016. She spoke on the topic, “Robotic Surgery Philippines: Are we Ready?” before an audience of about 100 interns, clerks , residents and consultants from various medical specialties .

She gave an introduction to how robotic surgery works, it’s applications , and the current trend in utilization abroad .

Dr. Rebecca Singson Robotic Surgery in the Philippines Laparascopic SurgeryRobotic Prostatectomy is now considered the gold standard in Radical Prostatectomy (surgical removal of prostate cancer) and nearly 80% of hysterectomy (removal led the uterus) done for Gynecologic cancers are done robotically in the United States. There is also a growing utilization for hysterectomies for benign conditions such as myomas , ovarian cysts as well as for repositioning/repair of the vagina which has prolapsed after removal of the uterus (sacrocolpopexy).

The prerequisites and costs of setting up a Robotic Surgery Program were discussed. And while that remains a dream for many government institutions in the country, they can at least start with the more feasible laparoscopic surgery set up , then level up to Robotic Surgery when the Minimally Invasive Program is actively vibrant .

Overall, the Da Vinci Robot has proven to be an enabling tool to facilitate complex surgeries without reverting to large incisions . In the future , just like the computer and the cellphone , newer, cheaper and less bulky models will become available in the market , which will revolutionize the way we perform surgery and make open surgery, possible just a historical fact .

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Evangeline Tablizo – Robotic Surgery Philippines

A typical setup of the Davinci Robot for Robotic Surgery in the Philippines

A typical setup of the Davinci Robot for Robotic Surgery in the Philippines

I am EVANGELINE B. TABLIZO, 67 years old and was diagnosed with Endometriod Adenocarcinoma Grade II last May 4, 2015. I had Robotic Surgery Philippines.

Last June 2, 2015 I had a Robotic Surgery Philippines Hysterectomy, Bilateral Solpingooophorectomy with Bilateral Lymph Node Dissection performed by Dra. Rebecca B. Singson at the St. Luke’s Global City. The operation started at 5:25 p.m. and was done by 9:20 p.m. or a total operation time of 3 hours 55 minutes.

From the recovery room I was brought up to my room at no. 812 at around 2:00 a.m. of June 3, 2015. I was already awake and the first person I saw was my daughter Johanna and so I greeted her “good morning”. God is so good because I was not in pain and I felt good although there was a little discomfort due to my catheter from the robotic surgery. At 9:00 a.m. the catheter was finally removed and I felt so relieved. I then started to walk around my room. At 5:00 p.m. Dr. Singson visited me and when she saw me walking already she told me that I could go home but I insisted that I wanted to rest for another night. I was discharged the next day, June 4, at 12:00 noon.

When I left St. Luke’s last June 4, I did not have any post operative Robotic Surgery Philippines pain. Another advantage of robotic surgery was the lower risk of wound complication since it dried up easily after one week. After only a week from my surgery I was able to do some of my regular activities such as going to church, the mall and lunch- out with my family and friends.