Monthly Archives: January 2018

This is the story of Miracle Baby Jana

IMG_5908March 4, 2015. Please help us, the parents and medical team, storm the heavens for Jayna Marie’s life as her first day of life hangs by a thread. Her Mom, Dad and I worked for 8 solid months of infertility work-up and they miraculously got pregnant ! At 6 weeks of gestation , the baby Jayna was diagnosed on ultrasound to have Cystic Hygroma (fluid collection of the lymph at the back of the neck). While working her up for possible causes , I recommended her to Mother Remedios for spiritual healing. After a few weeks, the mass miraculously disappeared . At 26 weeks, the ultrasound showed Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid ). The condition miraculously disappeared again. At 32 weeks, baby Jayna was noted to have pleural effusion on the right lung (fluid in the lungs) and beginning effusion on the left lung causing the heart to dilate . I was forced to do a C-section to try and save the baby. Luckily, baby Jayna came out crying, weighing 4.7 lbs. However, she is now intubated because she stopped breathing. On the bright side, she remains stable in her instability. Please pass this message to all prayer warriors you know because there is too much happiness to be lost for her parents (and the medical team) if we lose baby Jayna. Let us pray for this baby’s life and above all, a good quality of life, so that those who surround her may be touched and blessed by her existence. If she survives this crisis and lives, with the help of your prayers, you would be part of her endless miracles!

To all who prayed for Baby Jayna, consider yourselves MIRACLE WORKERS!! The baby’s water in the lungs is subsiding and I was in tears to hear that the team of neonatologists are expecting the baby to be extubated and to breath on her own IN A FEW DAYS!!! I was expecting a toxic baby that will remain intubated in the NICU for months!! They themselves were in awe that the baby is doing so well beyond their imagination!! They braced the parents that this baby will be “very sick” (they gave them the lowdown on how long the baby will stay in the Neonatal ICU, short of saying this baby can actually not make it) but Baby Jayna is incredibly improving and further stabilizing! , I can only attribute it to her guardian angels working overtime to guide the medical team and give the baby the physical support to heal her body rapidly ! Let’s continue to barrage heaven with our prayers for Baby Jayna’s ultimate recovery that her mother can finally hold her in her arms and breastfeed her like every mother and every newborn has the right to experience.

To all the MIRACLE WORKERS of Baby Jayna, THANK YOU!! Your prayers dramatically brought on another miracle!! She has been extubated and is breathing on her own, and the fluid in her lungs has completely disappeared!!! This has amazed and team of neonatologists because they have never expected such a rapid remarkable recovery so they are labeling this a MIRACLE!! We furthermore thought that if this baby ever makes it, we might be dealing with a chromosomal abnormality, but the geneticist said the baby doesn’t seem to fit any syndrome from her assessment!! So, let’s all please pray that she will have a normal 46 XX karyotype when the results come out and that there is no Downs, Turners or any other syndrome of chromosomal abnormality !! Her main issue now is that she is developing yellowing is the skin (jaundice) and so is currently undergoing phototherapy. Let us all pray that resolves fast so she can breastfeed from her mother’s milk.

More miracles to surprise your day from Baby Maria Jayna Kelsey Castro (Kelsey for the phonetic MI-RA-KEL — Kelsey). She had her first colostrum by feeding tube early morning today, so she is eating!! The neonatologist team is so awed by her progress they are hoping to wean her from her oxygen within two days!! The neonatologists want Mother Remedios, RVM (who has prayed over Baby Jayna Kelsey since her first problem was detected at 6 weeks of life) to make rounds on all their toxic babies to wield similar miracles of rapid recovery and reunion with their mothers !! Let’s continue praying for Baby Jayna Kelsey’s daily miracles. For now, the resolution of her jaundice and that her mother, so deprived of her baby, may finally cradle her for the first time since she was born.

The miracles continue for Baby Jayna Kelsey. She is on full feeding (36 oz every three hours!!) from her Mommy’s expressed milk ! Even God arranged for Mommy Jayne to be overflowing with milk which is fed to her baby by feeding tube !! Her oxygen is down to 2.5 liters per minute (lpm) (from 4.5 lpm 3 days ago) and they will be removing her central line in the umbilicus . Very rapidly , and against all odds, our baby has been manifesting the wonderment of our Creator and how He listens to all our prayers . Carry on, Prayer Warriors, continue to pray for Baby Jayna Kelsey to be made whole again and to finally see home with her loving parents who so miss her !!

Miracle update!! Baby Jayna Kelsey was moved out of the Neonatal ICU two mornings ago and has been Intermediate Care!! Isn’t it amazing how all you prayer warriors contributed to her survival ? No more oxygen , no more central venous line. Just a feeding tube for her mother milk. She is a voracious eater!! She is just to be kept under observation because she was given caffeine to make her heart beat faster. The MRI of her neck (where the Cystic Hygroma grew) is all normal and so was the 2D Echo of the heart!! Keep praying and keep the miracles coming !!

Our miracle Baby Jayna Kelsey is now home since yesterday with Mom and Dad. The family wants to express their heartfelt thanks for all your prayers, the sum total of which led to the this big MIRACLE OF LIFE called Jayna Kelsey!!

Remember Baby Jayna Kelsey, our miracle baby, for whom we spent countless nights praying that she would pull through, is now turning 1 year old !! Thanks to all your prayers she is a normal, active, vibrant baby girl!


Medicine to shrink myomas


NEW DRUG TO SHRINK MYOMAS. The growth of myomas or fibroids have been found to be promoted by progesterone. Therefore blocking the progesterone receptors have been found to reduce myomas as has been proven by a new drug called ULIPRISTAL (brand name Esmya), available in the Philippines. It has contraceptive benefits and is particularly effective for stopping the bleeding caused by myomas . However , it is contraindicated in patients, especially those in the perimenopausal or menopausal stage where cancer might be suspected . In patients with huge or multiple myomas beyond 8 cm, a hysterectomy can still be done minimally invasively via robotic surgery. Because the instruments of Robotic surgery have 7 degrees of movement, which surpasses the human hand, suturing is made far more easily than laparoscopic surgery . Blood loss is less than open surgery and downtime is reduced markedly from 6 weeks in an open surgery to one week with a robotic surgery . Before subjecting yourself to an open surgery examine your options and consult with a Gynecologist who performs robotic surgery so see if it is for you.