
Infertility Part II

Dr. Rebecca B. Singson, M.D. TUBAL FACTOR IN INFERTILITY In 30% of patients who cannot get pregnant, there may be problems with the fallopian tube. If a patient has had a ruptured appendix or a septic abortion, an ectopic pregnancy, a previous pelvic or tubal surgery, a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or has use

Painless Vaginal Delivery

After a grueling day topped by a challenging robotic surgery, you’re ready to hit the sack and rest your weary body….then suddenly a mommy goes into labor since a baby boy decides to arrive on earth. In the first minute of life, he stares at you, following your voice, with his eyes wide open and

Fetal Macrosomia

Mommy Pea was 5’2 with a strong family history of diabetes and so mom developed Gestational Diabetes early in pregnancy and had to be on insulin. She tried to labor without anesthesia since she was scared of epidural anesthesia. You see, Mommy Pea has slipped discs from several falls while ice skating in Japan and

Cesarean section of a 27-week fetus

Cesarean section of a 27-week fetus whose mother was an extremely high risk patient with end-stage kidney failure prior to pregnancy. It was a major challenge with multi-specialty care all throughout her pregnancy. Finally, the uncontrolled hypertension made the team decide to bring out the baby by Cesarean section to a safer environment outside the

Anticipation of the birth of the fetal head

Vaginal Delivery

Indications, Risks and Benefits

A Cesarean section or C section is a surgical delivery of one baby or multiple babies by cutting through the mother’s abdomen and the uterine wall. If the surgery is scheduled ahead of time, it is referred to as an elective cesarean section (as opposed to an unscheduled emergency Cesarean section).

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

One of the most distressful phenomena that can happen to a couple trying to conceive is a recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), which can happen to 2-5% of couples. A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, is defined as the loss of a clinical pregnancy before 20 completed weeks of gestational age (18 weeks after fertilization) or, if


Contrary to what many people think, genes account for only 30% of total cancer risk. Most cancers actually result from poor dietary habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, and exposure to environmental toxins. In fact, so toxic is our environment that the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and the International POPs (Persistent Organic


DR REBECCA B. SINGSON, MD, FACS, FPOGS, FPSCPC I’m a virgin. Will sex hurt? Whats a man supposed to do to prevent from hurting her bride? A virginal hymen can barely accommodate the pinky finger so getting a man’s organ in can be a bit of a challenge. Whether it will hurt or not will