Doctor’s Diary
Mom With APAS Delivers Normally

Not too long ago it was common practice to subject patients to a C-section if they had Anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome (APAS), an autoimmune disease afflicting many women. It can cause fetal jeopardy via recurrent abortions, growth retardation and even fetal death. But nowadays, the mandate is to deliver APAS patients vaginally unless there is another
Infertile 7 Years W/ 3 Failed IVF’s, Apas Syndrome & Now Polyps

We performed a Hysteroscopy by inserting a camera into the cervix to the uterine cavity to visualize and directly remove the polypoid growths inside. We hope this will help improve one of the factors that led to her 7-year infertility.
After 2 Normal Births, Mom Gets A CS Due To A 10.5 LB Baby!
Massive Ppreparations Behind A Robotic Surgery

After the patient is anesthetized, there are many steps to accomplish before the surgeon can sit on the robot to start the surgery. Robotic surgery makes possible removal of huge uterine and ovarian masses with tiny incisions. Watch and share!