CS Hysterectomy for Placenta Previa Percreta

Chef Luigi Muhlach
January 19 at 7:36 PM


Through our struggles in life, we grow spiritually. When we are able to experience first- hand how emotionally unstable and weak we can become and how desperately we need HIM. When circumstances teach you that the most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with God.

patty was diagnosed with placenta percreta last october. It is the rarest and most severe form of placenta accreta and is a life threatening condition. It occurs when the placenta attaches too deeply into the uterine wall. In patty’s case, it was already starting to attach to her bladder. Mortality rate is as high as 9.5% and 24% for mother and child when placenta percreta is complicated by bladder invasion.

The operation was very complicated. We had two obgynes and a urologist in the operating room. It took the doctors 4 hours. patty lost 8 units of blood and used up all 10 units we had on standby for her and we had to spend money we did not even have.

Less than 2 weeks after being discharged, patty was back in the hospital. We discovered that she didnt heal well and developed pools of abscess that caused her severe back pain and stomach ache. She had to go back to the operating room for an aspiration.

It was a very traumatic experience for us but we were able to pull through.

Challenges cause us to stretch our faith, to seek God more than ever, To get to know him more and to be hungry for his presence.

This experience has brought me and patty closer to god and to each other. This has made us stronger as individuals and as a team. It has taught us that it is possible to go through the toughest storms in life peacefully, confidently and gracefully when you know who God is, that when you are going through trials and nothing makes sense, we can rest knowing that he loves us and has our best interest in mind.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/muhlachluigi/videos/980443099010192/