No More Amniotic Fluid And BP Started To Rise

This patient’s pregnancy went 4 days beyond her expected date of delivery. It is not yet considered a post-term pregnancy since the latter is defined as a pregnancy that extends beyond 42 weeks but this pregnancy was only 40 weeks and 4 days. Yet, the amniotic fluid dropped suddenly (a condition called oligohydramnios. The cervix was still closed and we tried to induce labor, but the heartbeat started to drop so we needed to do an emergency C-section. Oligohydramnios, meconium staining and variable decelerations of the baby’s heartbeat are caused by hypoxia, a drop in the oxygen level of the baby. In this case, the probable cause was the constriction of the blood vessels, reducing the blood flow in the placenta. In fact, after delivery, the mom’s blood pressure started to rise and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.