By: Satisfied Patient
In June of this year, I suffered from abdominal pains which increased in intensity and frequency. Upon consultation and observation with my long-time OB-Gyne, Dra. Rebecca Singson, it was diagnosed that I needed to have an appendectomy and hysterectomy. Of course, the prospect of having what Dra Singson called an extensive surgery, caused me some apprehensions.
Dra Singson said I could have it done through Laparoscopic Surgery, but if there was further procedures to be done, she would have to do an incision, which would take a longer time to heal. I asked her on other options, and she told me about Robotic Surgery, which was less risky and whatever other procedures would be needed, it could be done without any incision needed. She highly recommended it, and trusting Dra Singson, my family and I agreed on the Robotic Operation procedure.
On the day of the procedure/operation, I found myself more relaxed and not anxious as I thought I would be. I had been praying and I knew all would be well, with God in control and being under Dra Singson’s capable hands. When I was wheeled into the Operating Room of St. Lukes Global, vey lucid, since no oral relaxant was given to me, I was not intimidated in spite of all the instruments and team of medical personnel there. I felt quite secure. Dra. Singson even “introduced” me to the robot she would use in the procedure. I was then put to sleep under general anaesthesia. The procedure took some hours as the doctors made sure it was thoroughly administered. I did not feel anything throughout as I was in deep sleep.
I woke up some hours later, already in the Recovery Room. There was no pain whatsoever in the 4 tiny incisions placed. However, I was having bad gas pains, which I found out was due to air being blown in the abdominal cavity as protection from the instruments that were put in the abdomen by the doctor. I was told that I was to release the gas through burping and flatulence.
After being brought into my room, I continuously burped but found great relief when a nurse told me to sit down, which enabled me to flatulate. That relieved me a lot. I was also encouraged to start walking little by little so healing would be faster.
After 24 hours, with all body signs stable, Dra Singson sent me home to continue to recover. I was walking but taking it slow. I felt fine and I knew I was well on the way to recovery. A week after, I went to the hair salon, and people were surprised with my fast recuperation, saying that I did not even look like I had undergone both appendectomy and hysterectomy.
Now, eight weeks have passed, and Dra Singson has given me the go-signal to return to my normal activities. I know that if an incision was done, I still would be recuperating. But I am back to my normal activities, and truly glad and thankful we opted for Robotic Surgery.